May 4, 2024

If you go to a popular bar or club on a Friday or Saturday night its going to be packed full of 18-35 year old women. Most of them will be single, many will be good-looking, and they will be in all states of drunkenness.

Even better, a decent percentage of these girls will be open to going home with you if you know what you are doing!

So… that’s what I’m going to teach you. Here are 5 big things you can do to be more successful with bringing home women from bars and clubs…

If you want to get better at meeting women at bars/clubs it’s important to enjoy going out, without worrying about trying to bring somebody home. Obviously that’s a major objective of yours, or you wouldn’t be reading this article. But, in order to reach this goal, you need to back off it for a minute and get your understanding straight.

So many guys focus all their energy on picking up women when they go out, that they forget to have a good time. They Brewery Bellingha think that they NEED to put all this effort into picking up women, and this is pretty much the definition of being a desperate dude.

Look, every guy wants to sleep with attractive women. Every guy would like to be able to bring home ladies he meets at bars. But not all guys are NEEDY for it. Women can sense if you’re needy for sex/female validation, and it skeeves them out.

The guys who attract lots of women aren’t needy for them, because they already have them. They have options, so when they do go out they aren’t starving for female attention. This is the mind-set you need to develop!

This lack of neediness is what can give you the upper hand with women, because when you aren’t needy, you care about the interaction less than the girl does. You can say whatever you want, and not care what any woman thinks of you. This allows you to appear very confident, secure, and authentic.

So don’t act needy, don’t think of yourself as needy. Go out for purposes other than picking up women. These could include wanting to:

-Spend quality time with friends.

-Hear bands/djs/music you like.

-Have a few drinks and get a buzz going.

-Get dinner/happy hour/bar food you enjoy.

-Just get out of the house for a couple hours, and see a new environment.

Yes you will see hot women around you, but don’t sweat them, just enjoy the moment. This will let them notice you and the non-needy vibe you are putting out. I’ll explain how to meet them without sweating them in a sec.

I cannot emphasize enough the importance of dressing well, and having your look together. In a bar/club environment, women will flirt with you if you are looking good… they will. Guys who talk about, “women don’t approach men in clubs”, obviously aren’t looking good when they go out. They might think they are, but their poor results speak for themselves.

You won’t believe how much female attention you will get just by tweaking your look a little. This doesn’t mean dressing up like some clown pick-up artist, wearing fedoras and goggles… And you don’t need to classical “good-looks” by any stretch of the imagination. You just gotta have a fresh style, be well groomed, and sort out any body-language issues you may have.

It’s fine to go hangout with all kinds of people. I hang out with old people, young people, women, married guys, guys who suck with women etc… All kinds of people, it’s important to diversify. However, when you are actively trying to pick-up women out at 21+ establishments it pays to go with a buddy or two who will help you in your quest.

Women almost always go out in groups or 2,3 or 4. So you should go out with at least one friend if not 2 or 3. More than that and the dynamics get complicated.

You want these to be guys you like, and can have fun with. Talk to your buddies, have fun, make jokes, check out all the sexy women. Keep a positive vibe going. Then when you see some girls you like, approach them together and help each other out. Buddies can help you in a variety of ways…

– They make you look cool, because you have cool friends.

– They help you get a good vibe going and keep it going.

– They can talk to the other girls so they don’t cock-block you.

– They give you somebody else to talk to. Instead of just talking back and forth with the girl, ignore her for
a minute and just talk to your boy, let her watch you and see you interact with others.

– They can assist with bringing the girls back home.

A lot of times girls will be more open to leaving the bar/club if it’s you, your boy, her and her girl, instead of just you and her. They feel safer, because it’s not like you are just going home to hook-up right away. You are going home to party more, have more drinks as a group, all go in the hot-tub together or whatever. If you don’t know any guys who are good with women, don’t despair. You can go out with other guys so long as they don’t sabotage your efforts. They can help you just to a lesser degree.

You should also consider being more social in general so you can make friends with more guys who are good with women. Hangout with people you usually don’t, guys from work, school, friends of friends, etc… Some people are better at making friends than others, but just like getter better with women learning to make friends is a learnable skill.

So called “PUAS” (pick-up artists) recommend all sorts of special tactics for picking up girls at bars and clubs, and most of these methods are pure bull-crap developed out of despair, don’t believe the hype!
These methods are PROOF that their creators don’t have clue about women or how attraction works.
Sure some of these methods work… some of the time. But they are NOT necessary, they mostly just confuse guys, and cause way more harm than good. If you’ve been incorporating any of these PUA techniques into your “game”, drop them ASAP, they’re part of the problem.


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